Residential Playground Equipment

What Is Residential Playground Equipment?

Author: Austin Stanfel

Residential playground equipment are playsets for fun in a home setting. These structures come in a range of shapes, themes, and even materials. Since the pandemic, many families have spent more time at home. Now, selecting the right residential playground equipment has become necessary.

Homeowners with large outdoor spaces or ample indoor space now need playgrounds. Yet, they wonder what playground equipment is suitable for residents. Here, you’ll discover what playground equipment is perfect for your home.

Design Characteristics of Residential Playground Equipment

When it comes to selecting materials for home play settings, you can choose from many options. You can select from swings, slides, see-saws, climbers, merry-go-rounds, and even playhouses. But, the average indoor or backyard playset is more flexible to make setting up easy.

With the simple and easy-to-use design of home play systems come significant responsibilities. Notably, unlike public playground sets, domestic sets can’t withstand heavy use and vandalism. This means you’ll need to consider the weight of your kids and that of their friends when shopping. You may also need to watch the playground traffic to reduce deterioration.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Residential Playground Equipment

Selecting the right fun equipment for your play area can be as fun as watching your kids enjoy them. So, you’ll need to answer a few questions about location, size, space, theme, and material before buying. The fun part? Your kids can be part of the decision-making journey.

Usually, you can set up your home playground indoors or outdoors. But, you must consider the space available to you, the theme you have in mind, and the kind of playset you prefer. Also, your child’s age will help determine where to set up your residential play area.

Residential indoor playground equipment is perfect for a child’s room or a playroom. Such structures are mostly plastic to reduce injuries from accidents. Also, residential indoor playground equipment comes in various sizes for different age groups. You may also shop for these apparatus by age, weight, or even height.

If you prefer residential metal playground equipment, then you should consider an outdoor setting. One of the perks of having fun outdoors is that your kids get the feeling of visiting a public playground. Unlike plastic, residential metal playground equipment is more durable. These instruments can withstand more running, jumps, swinging, and climbing. Also, metal alternatives come with the right painting and protective layers because they will be exposed to the elements.

Avoid Wooden Equipment if Possible

Some residential play systems for outdoors are entirely wooden or a combination of wood and metal. If you’re working with a theme that comes to life with some wooden designs, then you can shop for wooden equipment. Yet, judging a wooden play set’s quality from its looks is hard, especially as wood can be tricky.

Wooden equipment may be cheaper than metal cost, but they crack and split. Your child could slip or have an accident when such unexpected damages occur. If you must include some wooden look to your theme, you could opt for a sturdy metal or pipe with a wooden design.

Home Playground Equipment Safety

Before you let your kids explore their new paradise, make sure to assemble all playsets well. Also, install a shock-absorbing surface to secure your kids against injuries and slips. Several safe surfaces work great under indoor and outdoor playsets.

You can consider using rubber tiles or shredded rubber mulch under your residential playground set. Also, always consult a professional to install rubber tiles or other surfaces. DIY is fun, but only professionals ensure correct safety surfacing placement and depth.