Weekend Family To-Do Activities

Weekend Family To-Do Activities

Author: Austin Stanfel

If you and your family have an upcoming free weekend, you should spend time on activities that everyone likes. You have to set activities that can definitely help in making your bonding with each other stronger.

If you are looking for ideas on how to spend your family weekend together, then here are some for you.

1. Organize Scavenger Hunting Activities

You can perform scavenger hunts at your local neighborhoods or in the entire city. You can hide things at different places, make a map, a set of clues, and include to-do tasks that will foster teamwork with other members.

If you include children on your scavenger hunt, you can customize it according to their likes. You can ask them to perform dances, draw, or dig the soil for clues in your garden.

2. Have Tag Twists
Instead of the classic tag, you can add lasers to make the weekend more exciting. You can set up a dark room where everybody can hide behind styrofoam walls. You will also be able to play tags and then you can use lasers to make things more interesting. This is where the competitive part of your family can come into play.

If there are not enough team members, you have the option to invite other families to make things more interesting. You can also invite your kids’ classmates so that they have something to talk about on weekdays.

3. Throw a Campfire
This is one of the most relaxing ways of family bonding. You can roast some hotdogs and marshmallows at the campfire so that everyone doesn’t get hungry. Prepare some more ingredients and make sure that there are enough spaces for everybody to sit comfortably.

You can add something to make your campfire get-together more enjoyable. Try to sing a song, play some games, or tell new stories.

4. Organize a Night of Puzzles and Trivia
Everyone in the family can learn something new by playing scrabble. One of the members can become creative in trying to build words to win while others can verify that the words exist through the dictionary. You can also tell some facts and trivia about the local places around, including churches and coffee shops, that your children might find interesting.

As long as everyone is enjoying, this activity that is rich in information can benefit a lot. Start quizzes with rewards in order to keep things fun.

5. Go to the Local Museum or Ocean Park
Explore a lot of history by going into museums. You and your children can see things used by your ancestors in the past. When visiting an ocean park, you will know more about the different kinds of fishes as well as see exotic ones that you don’t usually see at your local market.

The time spent with your family is very valuable. You can ask them about the activities that they are interested in so that the whole time spent will be fun. You can find more activities online or by asking your friends and families for suggestions.