Things to consider when designing your new playground

September 9, 2014

Things to consider when designing your new playground

Author: Austin Stanfel

For a child, a playground is a magical place where both their bodies and their minds are free to explore. There is, however, a lot of planning which goes into creating this magical destination. There are several things to consider before you begin construction on your new playground.


When searching for the right playground location, consider the different needs of your patrons. The size of your selected location should adequately fit various areas and amenities. Ideally, you should be able to accommodate children who play actively and children who play quietly. To accomplish this, you will need separate play areas. Also, you should keep in mind amenities such as parking and restrooms. Look for a place that will be large enough to fit all these areas and flat, well-draining terrain. These considerations will save a lot of time and expense in the final site preparations.

Efficient Design

Your playground design should allow for efficient movement throughout the park. The different trails, paths, entrances, and exits should enable all visitors to smoothly move into and throughout the park without confusion or overcrowding. An efficient design will allow all visitors to enjoy the playground and amenities regardless of disabilities or age. Your plan should also include easy access for emergency and maintenance personnel and vehicles.


Your final design should be constructed on the appropriate amount of space to guarantee that each piece of equipment can be used safely. One of the most effective ways to design a safe playground is to divide the park into different areas or zones.

Easy Monitoring

When children are playing, they move around a lot. A good playground should feature clear lines of sight. This will allow parents and guardians to monitor their children at play. Ideally, a caregiver should be able to maintain a visual of their child throughout the activity.

Power, Water, and Gas

It is vitally important that all utilities are taken into consideration and marked before construction. This task is appropriately handled by local companies.

Bringing it together

After considering all of these things, your final design should be comfortable, secure, accessible, and funfor all of your little patrons and their caregivers. As your design comes together, remember that the biggest differences are often made through the smallest things. For a playground, these things can include seating or picnic areas, bathroom facilities, water fountains, security fences, lights, shade trees or canopies, and ample parking.

With proper planning and design, your new playground can be the place where children laugh, play, and dream of for years to come. This playground can not only provide play for the children but can also serve as a hub for the community to come become healthier together.