Playground Equipment | Creative System

The Importance of summer for Children

Author: Austin Stanfel

For children, the summer time is their savior in life because it is freedom from all the ills of homework and teachers. That means they could do anything they want at any time – especially play. Children love to play games and sports, and physicians talk about children stay active with physical recreation every day. Summer goes beyond physical activity, but into their development psychologically. Summer is the season for a child’s real test in their growth in adolescence.

On the exercise side, children have to play because they learn about things better in this fashion. Children will find out things that they didn’t know through physical play. Children will be forced to engage in imagination to practice the art of navigating through the early perils with other children.

This is when the parent is not around them at the time, leaving just the children in one area, especially if it’s in a park on the playground. No toys, no video games – just one-on-one (or two, three, or ten) encounters with others.

Children can easily get bored during the summer because they have nothing to do in school. Many would think it’s bad for children, but it can be good because it forces them to be creative in what they can do to take up their time. It includes arts & crafts, writing, puzzles, or even reading. This is where children discover the inner artist or genius inside in different things that could grow up with them into adulthood.

Going back to the outside playtime, all physicians will recommend that everyone go out for some natural air wherever for any activity. This includes nature trails, theme parks, pools, or even attending a baseball game. This makes people walk more, including children, and keeps them away from those video arcade games, which compounds their minds instead of expanding them.

Of course, it is much easier if a family has a backyard with a big yard and a pool. But, returning to the creation side of things, this is where parents can get creative with the use of water, especially since it’s very essential to drink and be drenched in during the summer. Water play is another creative way for children to use because they would like the feel of cold water on their face to cool off, especially with something like water balloons. In public squares, children love the water jets that come from below and pump out randomly, which is why adults like to bring their kids there when it is a very hot day.

Summer is a time of fun and games, but also an expanded time for creation, psychical establishment, and social development. Keeping them indoors all the time (with the exception of inclement weather) is not good for the child’s development because video games are only for entertainment. Staring in front of a screen for three times longer than a movie is not good and can easily stunt all-around growth for a child as they get older.