Tag Archives: preschool playground equipment

Author: Austin Stanfel

NYC Community Parks Initiative: Does it Serve its Purpose?

There is very little that gets done when it comes to parks and recreation. In the past few years, there have been a few developments that have raised the hopes of those looking for better playground opportunities in their neighborhood. One such development is the NYC community parks initiative. This article will explore the objectives of such an initiative and whether it truly serves its purpose.

An excerpt on the New York Community Parks Initiative:

The Community Parks Initiative is a multi-faceted project for the community development in New York City’s thickly populated and developing neighborhoods where there is a significant need for park expansions. The Community Parks Initiative is NYC Parks’ first significant value activity. It will contribute $130 million capital dollars to bring about improved programming. The activity will captivate and spur New Yorkers to modify neighborhood parks, motivate residents to get out and get fit, and reconnect groups to the green spaces right outside their doorsteps. Here’s what the project covers:

  • The activity focuses on 55 areas in the region;
  • Capital tasks of the project will reconstruct 35 group parks;
  • The project will spend $130 million that will be focused on the under-developed, lower-wage groups of the region;
  • More than 70 new regular recreational Super-mario world programming and support staff will actuate and enhance stops in all Community Parks Initiative groups;
  • Parks will make quick results with a focus on physical change ventures at 55 parks;
  • By partnering with the Department of Environmental Protection, parks will acquaint better park plans with Community Parks Initiative groups.

The above highlights suggest that the initiative is a concrete step towards better community parks and hopefully better commercial playground equipment for children in blue-collar societies.

Objectives of the Initiative

The Community Parks Initiative is one of nine prompt ventures toward a greener future for the New York Parks. The primary objectives of the project are highlighted in the figure below:

NYC Parks Projects in Community Parks goals

  • The project will be focused on 55 areas in each of the five precincts defined by the initiative.
  • The activity will bring extended youth and grown-up games and wellness programming to each of our need groups. This will bolster nearby accomplices who wish to grow new projects to enact stops and serve groups.
  • Each park will go through numerous littler scale park change extends that can be finished on a quicker timetable and bring about faster results to groups. Focused on change activities will happen all through the Community Park initiative zones.
  • The project will focus on the NYC Parks expansion, which includes the vicinity of staff at parks all through the Community Park Initiative zones to guarantee enhanced support and more secure and sophisticated parks.

Our Take on the NYC Park Initiative Project

The NYC park initiative project is a healthy step towards building greener communities, especially in low-wage communities that are mostly neglected. The initiative will possibly introduce modern outdoor playground equipment and play structures that were hard to spot in various community playgrounds before.

Author: Austin Stanfel

Technology and your kid have been close pals all through the academic year. Now it’s time to say adios to the digital stuff. This summer, engage your children with something beyond the captivating virtual boundaries, and that’s closer to nature. This post will walk you through 3 highly active and mind-altering activities that you can try with your kids this summer.

Enjoy the Delight of Bird-Watching
If you have a slight interest in nature and its fascinating creatures, then this could be your chance to impart that knowledge to your kids.

What you’ll need:

  • A good pair of binoculars
  • Bird book related to your area (optional).

Here’s what you need to do:
Take your binoculars and search for fledglings flying and resting. A couple of things to search for when viewing birds include:

The type of bird;
Different mouth shapes are adapted to suit their respective primary nourishment source—long, or snared snouts are for tearing at prey, short and heavy cone shapes are to break the seeds;
Feet—This is for distinctive purposes like running, resting on twigs, sticking to trees, getting a grip on prey, and paddling in the water;

Let’s go Bug Hunting
Want something better than the outdoor playground equipment for your kid’s recreation? Take some time to watch bugs? They are astounding animals. They fly, buzz, sting, jump, and even light up, which can stir up excitement in children.

What you’ll need:

  • A clean container;
  • A waxed paper or netting;
  • A Rubber band;
  • A Spoon;
  • An overripe banana and some brown sugar;
  • A magnifying glass.

Here’s what you need to do:
A great approach to attract bugs is to put out something sweet like a banana with cocoa sugar sprinkled on top.

  • Let the banana mixture sit outside for a while, then spread it onto the bark of a tree.
  • Check it routinely to see what new bugs you have pulled in.
  • Look through the amplifying glass and draw what you see.
  • Come out during the evening with a spotlight and check whether there are any newcomers.
  • If you need to watch a specific bug, place it in your compartment with a jug top of the water, a stick, and some green takes off.
  • Cover the compartment with mesh or waxed paper.
  • Return your bug to its spot after the observation.

Be Builders; Put together a Terrarium
Next on the list is a little architectural work that can actually be better than playing around with commercial playground equipment.

What you’ll need:

  • A glass compartment with a wide neck
  • Potting soil
  • Cheesecloth or mesh
  • Tiny stones or rocks
  • Enacted charcoal
  • Your favorite Plants.

Here’s what you need to do:
Select your plants. Make sure that they are adequate in size and not excessively small or excessively tall.

  • Place the rocks on the terrarium floor.
  • Sprinkle a little measure of enacted charcoal on top.
  • Spread the cheesecloth or mesh on the container with an opening cut in the center.
  • Tenderly make little gaps and implant the plants in them, pressing the dirt accurately around them.
  • Spritz your plants with water and spread. Add the tiny figures to add flair to the terrarium. (Ativan)

Author: Austin Stanfel

Author: Austin Stanfel

In today’s hectic lifestyle, parents, especially mothers, hardly have any time to pay attention to their children’s specific needs. There are five critical aspects of healthy living that can contribute positively towards your child’s overall cognitive and physical development, but unfortunately, parents are not usually aware of them. Children’s enhanced brain development depends significantly on nutrition and healthy activities that can contribute to their future prosperity.

The 5 Corner Stones of Healthy Living

Creative Recreational Systems, Inc Blog


Nutrition is the key to a healthy life, and cereals and energy bars are not the answer to your child’s nutrition problems. Good nutrition comes from a healthy, age-appropriate diet. Research shows that more than 64% of American teens live on junk food and carbonated beverages, which is the leading cause of teen obesity. In addition, children also devour artificial sugar food items that are among the leading factors of chronic ailments.

Most parents are not aware of what to include in their children’s diet. Below is a chart for a nutritional diet for toddlers and preschoolers to help you understand what you can include in your child’s diet.


Recommended Daily Amount

2 to 3 Years 4 to 8 Years 9 to 13 Years
Calories Around 1, 400 Around 1, 800 (girls)
Around 2, 000 (boys)
Around 2, 200 (girls)
Around 2, 600 (boys)
Fat 30 to 40% of daily calories 25 to 35% of daily calories 25 to 35% of daily calories
Carbohydrates 45 to 65% of daily calories 45 to 65% of daily calories 45 to 65% of daily calories
Protein 5 to 20% of daily calories 10 to 30% of daily calories 10 to 30% of daily calories
Calcium 500 milligrams 800 milligrams 1, 300 milligrams
Fiber 19 grams 25 grams 26 grams (girls)
31 grams (boys)


Good Sleep

Children need time to relax their minds before they can venture on to other energizing activities, and good sleep can help them recharge their minds for the next day. Research shows that children who get a proper 8-hour sleep every day are far more active mentally than the kids who stay up late.

Structured play

Structured play involves playground activities that include activities involving outdoor playground equipment or school playground equipment. According to a research study, preschoolers and toddlers need to get around 17-18 hours of structured play activities in a week.

Unstructured Play

Unstructured play activities are just as important as structured play activities. Unstructured play involves active play that is free from the game rules or restrictions; children can use their imagination to structure a play activity.

Stress-free environment

This is the most crucial aspect of healthy living. A Stressful environment can lead to various ailments that children sometimes can’t handle. The everyday mental strain leads to anxiety, which ultimately affects children’s overall academic performance. Promote a pleasant family environment to make sure that your child does not feel any kind of strain.

By adopting practices to ensure that your child has all the five cornerstones as a part of his life, you can pave the way for his enhanced physical health. So, start today and make a difference in your child’s life.