Author: Austin Stanfel
With the temperatures going below zero and snow, rain, sleet making it impossible to venture outside, indoor play activities is the best option to keep your little ones busy and fit. Weather like this forces kids and adults to stay indoors. But a long time spent inside not only makes kids cranky but also makes you worry about the limited amount of physical exercise they are getting. By engaging them in indoor fun activities will not only make them happy but ensure they remain fit during the cold weather.
Board Games
When it comes to board games, every house has some of them. Either they come as birthday gifts or Christmas gifts; you can find them stuck in some cupboard or the other. This is the right time to bring them out. Games like monopoly, Scotland Yard, picture dictionary help kids to pass couple of hours quietly. These games require less space and are not at all messy.
Makeshift indoor sports
There are a variety of indoor sports games that can be found today in the market. If you do not have one already, you can make one for yourself and kids. A makeshift goalpost can be made from cardboard boxes and kids can play hockey or ball. There are games involving rings and hoops that are not only fun but provide some form of exercise too.
Indoor sports arenas
You can search on the internet for some nearby indoor sports arenas that house games like football, soccer or tennis. You can enjoy these games indoor when the weather is not suitable to play them outside. Some more games that can be played indoors are basketball, volleyball etc. Some indoor sports facilities also provide rock climbing which can be lots of fun.
Indoor swimming pool
If you have a sports center nearby which has an indoor swimming pool then you can take advantage of that. You can have fun with your kids, friends and family members and engage in some water play activities. For toddlers you can improvise and can set up some water games in their bath tub as well. Bathing time can be doubled up as some play and fun time too.
Other activities around the house
Roleplaying and pretend plays are the ideal kind of games for toddlers to play inside the house. By giving them some alone time you can encourage them to play with their stuffed toys. It is fun to watch kids trying to make their toys eat, sleep and talk. Makeshift tent can also be made by some blankets and bed sheets. Kids and their friends can have fun playing in them.
Kids can be engaged in art and craft activities too. Though that can be messy you can involve kids to clean up the mess later.
Playing is an important part of growing up. Kids need to be engaged in physical activities all the year around. Encourage them to participate in couple of sports too. By exploring various options early on helps kids know which areas they are good in and they can pursue that specifically. Do not let the weather dampen your spirits. Explore, recreate, innovate and have fun while keeping warm and safe indoors.