Pokémon Go, Play and Parks | Creative System

Pokémon Go, Play and Parks

Author: Austin Stanfel

The mobile gaming industry recently released Pokémon Go – a location-based, free-to-play augmented reality game artistically developed by Niantic for Android and iOS devices. Of course, players want to improve their gaming experience, so they integrate commercial playground equipment.

In Pokémon Go, players use a mobile device’s GPS capability to locate, seize, battle, and train virtual creatures called Pokémon that popped out of the screen as if they’re in a similar actual location with the player. With the impressive features of this mobile app and challenging levels, increasingly more people get attracted to the game no wonder a whopping increase in the number of downloads was seen some days after the official launch.

To catch as many Pokémons, players would have to travel around surrounding areas, especially urban places such as malls and parks. The designers of Pokémon Go went to great lengths to make sure players would have to travel around to be able to play. To create the many locations required for the Gyms and PokéStops, they had this game draw significant insights from the earlier actual world exploration game of Niantic Labs and Ingress.

Parks serves as one of the best places to play Pokémon Go

The extensive acres of woods, statues, fountains, lakes, and trails of the park make it a precious place for players to find just about all types of Pokémon possible. In fact, there are areas of the park in which the best Pokémon popped out in the game. The large numbers of people can be your huge advantage of finding Pokémon, reaching higher levels, and being a master of the game.

Aside from youths and adults, children also love playing Pokémon Go. In order to ensure their safety while playing, parents or caregivers can come along with them while going to the park. They will not only enjoy the whole game, but they will also have the chance to meet and interact with other children who have the same interest as theirs.

To make the gaming experience of Pokémon Go more fun and notable, most parents and caregivers allow their children to enjoy the fun and benefits of playing on the playground. This can potentially be achieved, especially if the commercial playground equipment is safe, soft, and child-friendly. This is mainly why parents need to supervise their children while having fun playing on the public park playgrounds.

Many research reveals that playgrounds are crucial to the emotional, social and physical
development of a child. A park with commercial playground equipment can be an excellent way to keep children entertained while developing these essential skills. Apart from being happier and healthier, kids can be more social and boost self-confidence.

Playing Pokémon Go is inevitable. Meaning to say, no one can stop a person from playing it, even children. The good thing is, there are other ways in which parents or caregivers can improve the gaming experience of these kids. Commercial playground equipment is such a great addition as it enhances children’s entertainment to a higher level.