Outdoor Exercise as Your New Year Resolution | Creative System

Outdoor Exercise as Your New Year Resolution

Author: Austin Stanfel

What is your resolution for 2023? Does it involve outdoor exercise? If you say no, you are missing out on many health benefits. I have a discussion that will inspire you to include outdoor exercise on your new year’s resolution list.

Why Should You Exercise Outdoors?

Getting active and exercising is a great way to maintain your health. You can choose different types of physical activity depending on your fitness level. A large number of these activities are carried out indoors.

There are numerous health benefits to exercising outdoors that you will not find when you do it indoors. Taking your workout outside can exponentially increase the health benefits you reap for your physical and mental well-being. You benefit from fresh air, sunlight, and other factors when you work out outdoors.

Gives Your Body A Challenge

You are likely to work out in a climate-controlled environment with air conditioning and other amenities while working in a gym or other indoor facility. Even though exercising in the AC is perfectly fine, exercising outdoors challenges your body differently than indoor workouts.

You expose your body to the elements when you are active outdoors, whether running, walking, hiking, or biking. Your environment is constantly changing. Changes, inclines, bumps, holes, or obstacles make you work harder. The weather can also make exercise challenging.

Boosts Mood And Reduces Anxiety

The general practice of exercise is known to alleviate depression. A person’s body releases endorphins during exercise, which are natural hormones that help relieve pain and feel good. People who exercise are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not.

Compared to indoor exercise, some studies suggest that exercising outdoors has a more significant impact on depression relief than exercising indoors.

Free Vitamin D Every Day

Exercising outdoors is an excellent way to obtain vitamin D from sunlight. The importance of vitamin D supplementation is crucial if you are overweight since overweight people are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Training outdoors is more enjoyable because it allows you to connect with nature.

There are numerous health benefits to spending time outdoors, including physical, mental, and emotional ones. When you exercise outdoors, you can enjoy nature and physical activity benefits.

No Membership Fees

All of us have a right to enjoy the outdoors. It does not require any special equipment. There is an outdoor world outside your door, no matter where you are.

Improved Air Quality

We discussed earlier that when you exercise indoors, you breathe circulated air. However, exercising outdoors allows you to breathe cleaner, fresher air than you would if you exercised indoors.

The Environmental Protection Agency reports that indoor air may even be worse than the outdoor air in large cities. Taking your workout outside allows you to breathe fresh air while protecting yourself from indoor pollutants.


We tend to become more aware of the old statement ‘ health is wealth’ as we age. It is essential to exercise outdoors to age gracefully and healthily. Now is the perfect time to start. Consider adding outdoor work to your resolutions rather than waiting until next year. Be sure to grind in nature before tomorrow, and do an amendment immediately.