Creative Systems | How To Make Playgrounds Safe For All Ages

How To Make Playgrounds Safe For All Ages

Author: Austin Stanfel

Are playgrounds safe for all ages? Is it safe to take my child to the playground? Is it possible to keep my child safe from any harm? You might have wondered about these questions a lot of times. Playgrounds are a place full of hustle, with a toddler running to one side and another child running in the opposite direction. There’s mayhem of sounds and emotions going on. Outdoor play equipment and playgrounds offer children fresh air, fun, friends, and exercise.

They are also necessary for the mental and physical development of your child. As they say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” But they need to be safe for the children to ensure injury-free playtime.

You have to go nowhere more to look for ticks and tacks if you are designing a playground for a child at your home or even on a professional level and want to make it safe for them. Below is a list of a few ways to help you out:


Consider the flow of your space. Firstly, check the location if you have more than one option. Go for a slightly inclined slope to avoid water accumulation during rain. All rides must have a vast space with proper paved cemetery and gravel areas.

Keep in mind to maintain a balance between the shady area and sun-exposed area to make available vitamin D and protection from sunburns.

Surface Area

The playground surfaces are a crucial part of ensuring injury-free playtime. The walking paths should be smooth and even. The other areas should line with gravel, small stones, artificial grass, or shock-absorbent surfaces that make walking, running, jumping, and landing securely.

Age-appropriate Activities

All activities should be installed according to age and keeping children’s interests in mind. Avoid head entrapment space, sharp and pointy edges, and put a railing on all elevated surfaces for ensuring maximum safety measures is a must.

Safe Equipment Guidelines

Guardians with their kids should know the safety guidelines about using swings, seesaws, slides, climbing ropes, merry-go-rounds. Posters with animated pictures of usage could be of great help in this regard.

Cleanliness Check

Install dustbins and recyclable bins at regular intervals in the playgrounds and encourage children to use them. Hang the signs and posters regarding the usage of the trash can. The posters should demonstrate the proper use of these waste bins.

Furthermore, using glass bottles and other breakable materials within the playgrounds must be prohibited.

Setting Up Rules And Regulations

Set up proper rules and regulations for your children and let them say them out once. Hang them up at the entrance or even on the swings. These may include:

  • Follow playground equipment rules
  • Look before using the playground equipment to see any damage
  • Be mindful of your surrounding
  • Avoid wet equipment
  • Wear appropriate clothing
  • Play games away from playground equipment
  • Wait for your turns
  • No bullying
  • No hitting, pushing, running, or teasing

Maintenance And Inspection

Maintain playgrounds every day and every week. An annual inspection and maintenance also have to be the top priority. Set up a proper check and balance system to certify the safety and hygiene of the place.

Keeping these little nigs and nags in our minds and carefully adjusting the surroundings of a playground can make a big difference. By following our guidelines, make playtime not only fun but also safe for you and your children.