How To Make Play Equipment Repairs Safely
Author: Austin Stanfel
When you own a playground, inevitably, you will occasionally need to perform repairs. This will keep the area safe for children to use. However, when repairing or replacing playground equipment, you should establish safety guidelines. This will prevent children from accidentally hurting themselves when trying to play on equipment that is being repaired. Let’s look at some tips for how you can establish this routine.
First, you might need to make short-term repairs. These are often on parts that frequently get worn down and need to be repaired. For example, you might need to replace the seat on a swing. In this case, you might want to order these parts in advance. This will ensure that you can make these repairs quickly, getting the playground operational again promptly. Generally, if someone is going to be on-site, it will be sufficient to put tape around the area. This will stop children from entering that zone. If you take this approach, children can still play on the playground, as long as they avoid that section. For slightly longer repairs, you might want to consider using plastic fencing to stop children from entering the obstacle. Usually, this is acceptable for repairs that will take a few days.
In some cases, you might not be able to make the environment safe. For example, you might need to remove multiple obstacles, or there might be many sharp metal edges. In this case, you might want to consider shutting down the entire playground. While it isn’t ideal, it will ensure that all children are kept safe.
Owning a playground often comes with several essential responsibilities. One of the most important is regularly repairing the equipment. During this process, you should make sure that you have a schedule in place. Knowing the correct procedure before you start work will ensure that everyone is safe. So, use these tips to create a maintenance schedule for your playground today.