Playground Equipment

How to Make An Inclusive Playground

Author: Austin Stanfel

Though playing is the simplest things that youngsters enjoy, there are a lot of benefits associated with it. This is responsible for the all-round development of the child. He remains physically active as well as mentally alert while learning to socialize with other children. He can gradually master his motor skills and gains excellent emotional control which plays a vital role in handling the toughest situations in the future without a nervous breakdown.

In the process of playing, he learns to work synchronously with the team he is in and gets to know how to make decisions. Also, he makes many mistakes and learns from them. All these eventually turn him into a healthy, responsible, and reliable adult.

The playground should never be a place to allow some and restrict some other children, especially those who are disabled, as every child has the right to learn through play. Since the childhood stage is the only time where children get to enjoy and learn simultaneously, the playground should be an inclusive one to ensure this for the disabled children also. Otherwise, they will just be left to watch other children having fun.

Such disabled children must be taught that their disability is not a hindrance in their path of performing well. And instead of mourning on the shortcoming, they should push themselves to overcome it and win in life. Even when these children try a lot, it is the sole responsibility of the society to encourage them to move ahead instead of staying back. ( Such an attitude of the community towards the child can bring remarkable changes in his performance because it gives him a morale boost.

It is not needed to ultimately make new installations to create a playground inclusive as everyone can’t afford it. Small upgrades can bring a significant change and make a playground inclusive for disabled children. For example, synthetic surfacing makes it easier for those children who are in a wheelchair. It is because the playground becomes a solid unitary surface that is resilient enough to prevent any injuries because of stumbling on any obstacles that are found in a natural surfacing. Variation of textures can be introduced in an inclusive playground by combining a natural surfacing with the low-cost loose-fill materials.

Next comes adding fencing to the playground to avoid children from wandering away because of excitement and thus ensure their safety. There should also be a secluded space in the playground for the children to relax and enjoy in the calm and quiet area.

There should be elements in the playground that stimulate various senses of any disabled child. This includes the incorporation of contrasting colors, musical instruments as a sensory impulse, sandbox, or some textured equipment for neural inspiration and some specific kind of landscaping for the sense of smell. All these will ensure the best environment for every child as they deserve a better environment to develop themselves into individuals who are cheerful and full of self-confidence.