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How Diverse Play Equipment Leads To An Inclusive Playground

Author: Austin Stanfel

The playgrounds in which your child plays make one of his or her earliest memories. They should have a place that is safe from harm and danger so they can make healthy relationships and enjoy themselves while developing their skills and stepping outside their comfort zone. However, most of the playgroundswe have do forget this and create a non-inclusive space. Let’s talk about how to make a playground into an area that kids of all capabilities and ages can enjoy.


Something for all ages:

In order to make a diverse kind of playground which all kids will enjoy, you’ll need to keep in mind to place different kinds of equipment that all ages can play with. Slides of different heights are a great example. Alongside keeping the different ages in mind, you should also consider children of different abilities. For example, you can place equipment for children with sensory processing disorders and autism in the playground. Also, add varieties so children of all capabilities can participate to some extent. The equipment can be swings, sand play toys, and those for musical activities.


All kids have different interests. Some may be terrified of heights, while some may enjoy high slides. Since children have such conflicting interests, you should choose variable and multi-functional equipment. For example, place slides of various heights in the playground so it attends to the varying levels of comfort for all ages of kids playing.

Engaging and decision making:

One of your utmost priority should be how engaging the playground is to the children. When you design an inclusive playground, you have two options when it comes to engagement. You can either place games that can be played from the equipment or games that can be played on the playground itself. This gives them lots of options to choose from and engage in to have their fun. For example, they can wait in a queue for their turn on the slide or play with something else that is less occupied. This decision facing makes the child develop cognitive skills and enhances their decision-making skills as well.
This skill enhancement can be further leveled up if you add something like a tactical board game or maze, causing the child to concentrate and think more. It will step up their problem-solving and strategic thinking patterns and provide them with a higher sense of independence while having fun. Installing some musical structures will also help the child to stay immersed and focused, no matter what age they might be.

Social Skills:

In order for you to create an inclusive playground and skill-building for children, social interaction is a must. Having diverse playing equipment that can keep them socially indulged and immersed is necessary. Games which require team effort, or require association with other children, will prove to be great. Also, seating areas and equipment like swingscan significantly increase the social interaction and uplift the confidence of the children as they enhance their social skills while conversating with their fellows. Children of all ages and capabilities can participate in such games, making your playground fun and interactive.

For your playground to be inclusive, you need to have diverse range of equipment in it. This will not only increase the interaction of children with the environment but with the other kids participating as well.