Outdoor design | Creative System

How can Playgrounds be a hope for Kids Globally

Author: Austin Stanfel

Many kids are going through a lot of physical and mental health issues. Some kids are physically disabled and cannot walk; others have cognitive issues such as ADHD. They feel alone and fear interacting with other people; playgrounds can be an excellent way for them to socialize with others.

Globally, kids don’t have playgrounds to play in in many countries. They don’t have necessities and survive under harsh conditions such as hunger. Playgrounds can be a hope for those kids and bring happiness to their lives.

Kids with Disabilities

Playgrounds have many benefits and are an essential part of a child’s growth and development. Every kid has equal rights and must get a chance to have fun and adventure in playgrounds.

Being disabled shouldn’t affect a kid’s growth and development. Playgrounds can be their way to have fun and play with other kids of their age. They can interact and socialize with other kids of their age group while playing in the playground.

Modern-day playgrounds are designed according to the American Disability Act regarding the needs and requirements of disabled kids. To move wheelchairs and crutches, making the playground sloop smooth and accessible for disabled kids is essential.

Kids with Mental Issues

Children often go through many mental issues such as ADHD. It is a condition in which kids fail to pay full attention to things or tasks. They become overly active, and their energy level is too high. They can’t even sit still at a place and keep on running or moving.

Play in playgrounds is more critical for children with ADHD than other kids. The playground can be very helpful to help them balance their energy level.

Play can have several benefits for kids with ADHD, such as:

  • Better Sleep
  • Help to Focus properly
  • Improved Pulse Control
  • Help them use excess energy

Playground – a Light in Poverty

Playgrounds can be a light of hope for kids living in underdeveloped countries dealing with poverty. In underdeveloped countries, people have the basic phenomenon of poverty. Their Kids did not get a chance to play in playgrounds like normal kids.

Some people take shelter in South Asia and South Africa under refugee camps and informal areas. Playing is very tough for kids living in these rural areas.
Having a playground in these areas is wholly a luxury thing for kids. UNICEF took a step to bring joy and fun in the lives of kids living in these rural kids living as refugees. It worked to introduce play to kids living in slums.

Kibera, located in Nairobi, a city in Kenya, doesn’t have a single playground for kids. Kenya-based Kounkuey Design Initiative worked efficiently to build a space with clean water, a greenhouse, and a play area for kids.


Childhood is all about having fun running, swinging, and sliding. Playgrounds can be a regular thing for many kids. On the other hand, they can be an unaffordable and unavailable luxury for other kids. Play can be helpful to bring happiness to the lives of kids with disabilities and poverty.