Thriving Community Space

Creating a Thriving Community Space For Your Apartment Complex

Author: Austin Stanfel

An apartment complex’s gathering space is one of the essential aspects. Tenants will stay longer, and prospective renters will stay with you if you have a strong apartment community. You can ensure happy renters and booming complexes by providing amenities that people deserve.

The whole environment can be transformed when everyone in the complex can come together. You can improve your apartment complex’s community space if you think your tenants deserve it. You can make your complex more appealing to a diverse range of residents by building an apartment garden and focusing on the people rather than the rooms.

Establish Specific Outdoor Spaces

Quality green space in your rental property is essential if you are not in a city. They will be more intrigued if you use the green room. It is better to utilize the outdoor area. Below are some ideas we like for outdoor spaces.

· Park For Dogs

Building community and attracting clients is accessible with dog parks. Renters with pets will be attracted to your rental and will have the space to keep their pets healthy. Adding a few tunnels and a tug-around shows renters you care about their pets even if you do not have much green space. You will spend more time together at the park if you add quality products.

· Area For Picnics

Your outdoor picnic area is another essential outdoor space. It is an opportunity for people to get together in the warmer months in communal dining areas. Meals will be served on the picnic benches. There will be grill days. People will use gathering spaces.

· Playground For Children

Outdoor play areas are one of the essential amenities you can offer to families. A few swing sets and slides can differentiate your complex from another. Parks and playgrounds provide residents with various benefits—they will live a healthier lifestyle and have a place to relax after a long day, and the children will benefit. Playgrounds are great ways to improve apartment community spaces.

Make Use Of Indoor Areas.

In addition to outdoor space, free indoor space can be used to expand your community, even if you can only provide a small picnic area. You can do so in several ways—here are a few of our favorites.

· Rooms For Hobbies

A hobby room is one of the most beautiful things about apartment complexes for creative minds. An apartment complex in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has a DIY room. A pottery station joins the woodworking equipment! Think of it as a place where residents can express themselves creatively. This workshop brings together people with similar interests and lets them create one of the best ways to improve a community’s culture!

· Café

Residents will be encouraged to hang out in a calming environment when the weather is bad by offering a cafe. It is also possible to provide a coffee station instead of partnering with a specific coffee shop. The area serves as another place where people can be gathered together in a small setting.

· Creating Workspaces

Your complex will reach a wider audience if you offer a communal workspace. Online business owners and remote workers look for apartments that fit their lifestyles. Prospective tenants are likelier to choose an apartment with a calming and functional collaborative workspace. Relationships will be built by seeing familiar faces, and friendly faces will see familiar faces.


Set up regular events in these spaces after you add some of them to your complex. Consider one or two monthly events that highlight each area throughout the year. Children can participate in playground races or grill nights with you during the summer. Another option is offering painting classes or bringing a snack to the workplace during the colder months. In addition to marketing the event, these events demonstrate that you care about residents’ time, health, and enjoyment. Showing interest will attract residents.