All New Commercial Playground Series Exclusive

Author: Austin Stanfel

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing this all new series May 30th including 8 new designs, all new components and technology with maximized play value. These structures will be priced as value engineered similar to the 2016 best selling Nature Tree Series and are expected to cost 40%-50%

Playground Injuries

Author: Austin Stanfel

It is spring season and many of us are taking our children outside to local or school playgrounds to enjoy playing outside and meeting new friends. Many people will be new parents .Perhaps it will be the first time you are taking your child to a playground. Children deserve to play freely,

Is your Playground Safe ?

Author: Austin Stanfel

Everybody remembers having fun in a playground sometime in their childhood. Playgrounds are great spaces to enjoy being outdoors, making friends and blowing off some of that winter steam. From April 24th to the 30th, it is National Playground Safety Week. With the arrival of spring, most of the playgrounds

Voice of Play Offers Playground Safety Through Quality Public Play Equipment and Surfacing Materials

Author: Austin Stanfel

Creative Recreational Systems Offers Playground Safety through Quality Public Play Equipment and Surfacing Materials When it comes to the development of your child both socially and physically, the playground equipment plays an integral part and significant role. This is why you need to make sure you are investing in a reliable manufacturer to

Recreational Playground Materials

Author: Austin Stanfel

Historically, Wood and Steel

Playgrounds of the past were created with readily available materials. These mainly included wood and steel. Even though these materials can be durable, they are not without their fair share of disadvantages. Wood can easily splinter, crack and begin to look very weathered. It requires a great

Benefits of Community Dog Parks

Author: Austin Stanfel

Dogs are increasingly important members of the human household. As such, we continue to find ways to accommodate their needs and provide for their satisfaction and sensibilities. Dog parks are another addition to community planning, which is a direct result of our effort to encourage the healthy growth and development