The Benefits of Natural Playgrounds

Author: Austin Stanfel

Running in an open field and climbing trees is the freest a child can feel, but it can be daunting for parents. That’s why playgrounds were created. When children play outside, they usually want to feel like they are within and a part of nature, but most playgrounds are designed with

Revisiting Play Value

Author: Austin Stanfel

The kids want to play outside. Should you consider sending them to the local playground? There is definitely a link between children playing and the playground. But what is it exactly? Play, in general, is an activity not limited to one specific thing. While tennis takes place in tennis courts, golf takes

5 Soft Skills Kids Develop Through Park Play

Author: Austin Stanfel

As we know, playing outside has many health benefits for our bodies. When we move and jump, it strengthens our muscles and bones, making them stronger and less likely to sprain or fracture. A park is a great place that you can consider allowing your children to play because of all the health benefits that they will gain. However, did you know that allowing your kids to play at a park allows them to gain soft skills as well? Soft skills allow our children to interact and socialize with other children (and adults) well. So what are the top five soft skills that our children can develop while playing in the park? Self-Confidence is Key: It was Marcus

Musical Playground Equipment Supporting Child Development

Author: Austin Stanfel

Engaging with musical playground equipment is a fun, creative world that children can immerse themselves in. But, some parents may view this as an irritating gimmick. This article seeks to show that this type of play equipment is far from a gimmick and that it may, in fact, help your child develop. We’ll look at the benefits music offers children and how a musical playground can improve social skills by creating an inclusive play environment. In a musical playground, the equipment makes different sounds depending on how it’s interacted with. A giant xylophone, for example, makes different sounds depending on which keys the children jump on. The playgrounds are designed

Creating Play-Friendly Playgrounds: Importance Essentials

Author: Austin Stanfel

While standard playgrounds are indisputably a useful resource for helping to keep our children physically active, there’s no denying that there are some improvements that could be made to them to improve how comprehensive children’s play is within them. By this, we mean that while ordinary playgrounds offer great options for physical

Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold.” -Joseph Chilton Pearce

Author: Austin Stanfel

One of the best things in life is play! And playing isn’t only for children. For adults, playing every now and then is needed to relieve stress. As for the kids, they can spend hours and hours of the day just playing; it is not just fun and games, because playing actually