Tips to Prevent Playground Injuries

Author: Austin Stanfel

Watching your child enjoy the playground equipment should be a joyous occasion for parents. However, for many parents, the risk of their child injuring themselves is a major concern. This is only natural; everybody’s primary instinct is to protect their children from harm. This article will examine some simple tips to

The Importance Of Letting Children Play

Author: Austin Stanfel

All children should be allowed to play freely. However, there are many reasons why parents are reluctant to allow their children to play. We’ll examine and discuss each of these issues, to convince you that playing in a safe environment is essential for your child’s development. The world has become more focused on

How Playgrounds Can Help Teach The Importance Of Recycling

Author: Austin Stanfel

Many parents agree that they want to encourage their children to have some environmental awareness. One of the best ways to do this is by showing the importance of recycling. A great way to teach this concept is by taking them to playgrounds. Let’s take a closer look at how to use

Playground Safety: The Importance of Trained Supervisors

Author: Austin Stanfel

There’s no denying the importance of playgrounds in the lives of children. Not only can playing in a playground help them to get enough exercise and stay physically healthy, but it can also help to increase their overall development. Additionally, it increases their social skills via interaction with other children in their

The Importance Of Letting Kids Play In The Dirt

Author: Austin Stanfel

Music is for Everyone

Author: Austin Stanfel

When most people think of children playing instruments, they imagine them crowded in an indoor space, maybe with the square dampeners nailed to the walls. Now more than ever, that does not have to be the case. Quality and affordable instruments built for use outdoors are becoming the best option for educators