Benefits of Accessible Playgrounds | Creative Systems

Benefits of Accessible Playgrounds

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playgrounds are a central point in many neighborhoods and a great place for children to hang out. At playgrounds, children can run and play with their peers while having fun and developing essential skills for their futures. The problem is that in the past, playgrounds weren’t something that was accessible to all children. This meant that some children, especially those with disabilities, weren’t able to access the playgrounds. This also meant that they couldn’t reap the many benefits that playgrounds have to offer children. This is why accessible playgrounds are the best way to go these days.

Plan for Accessibility

Whenever you plan an installation or renovation, you should consider the different barriers that could prevent any child from accessing the playground equipment. This means accounting for disabilities or things like whether or not the child needs a wheelchair. This matters because things like wood chips, narrow pathways, non-ramped platforms higher up, and raised slides can be nearly impossible for people with disabilities to access the playground.

If you’re unsure where to start planning for accessibility, you can look to the ADA requirements for guidance. They have released requirements for any public playground, which was established to ensure all children can access any recreational equipment that they want to play with. This allows children to access all of the benefits that this offers for child development. The best way to plan an accessible playground is by utilizing these guidelines for your playground installation or renovation.

An excellent summary of these guidelines is offered by the U.S. Access Board guide, which offers essential information about ADA planning requirements. This is especially useful for making accessible routes in the playground, transfer systems, and accessible ground surfaces that you can choose from. It also covers a wide variety of other information that you may find helpful.

Understanding Who’s Required to Comply with These ADA Requirements

According to the ADA, “each service, program, or activity conducted by a public entity” needs to comply with their requirements. These places include government parks, public school playgrounds, and any other place considered public accommodation. Complying with these standards is not only the right thing to do morally, but it’s also the right thing to do legally. All children have the right to play, and the ADA requirements make this possible.


In the past, children of different abilities were unable to enjoy playgrounds with their peers. This could not only negatively impact their mental health, but it could also impact their ability to gain all of the benefits that playground play has to offer. By making playgrounds more accessible, you are making it so that all children can have these fantastic experiences offered by playgrounds.Playgrounds are a place where children learn essential skills that they need to succeed in the future. By making accessible playgrounds, you ensure that children of all abilities can benefit from playing at the park.

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