At What Age Should a Child Use A Swing?

Author: Austin Stanfel

Are you worried if your kid is old enough to be allowed to use a swing? We get you! Most parents have the same thoughts when they first let their kids play in the playgrounds or parks. However, first-time parents are especially concerned, so we thought we would relieve you from questions like “is my kid old enough to use a swing? At what age can a child use a swing? When is the finest time for kids to start using swings?” So, without wasting any further time, let us get you into the details of the baby swing age limit and some other relevant points.

At What Age Can A Child Use A Swing?

In today’s post, we will discuss some important things about children and the use of swings.

Are Swings Any Good For My Child?

To all the parents who are unaware of the benefits of swings, this is for you. Swings are undoubtedly a good source of fun in playgrounds, but that is not the only good they have in them. Using a swing will help your child improve his spatial awareness. Swings are a good step towards developing gross motor skills like running and jumping.

Not only this, but swinging also helps your kids develop fine motor skills like finger coordination, hand coordination, arm coordination, and grip strength. Swinging also plays a role in the muscle development of your kids as it helps with the development of balance in kids.

Baby Swing Age Limit

Most doctors believe you should not let your baby go anywhere near playground equipment, whether a swing or a slide, before they are a year old. It is recommended to start with a toddler swing for your baby once they can sit up and have good control of their head, at least 6-12 months of age.

You can slowly introduce your babies to slides from 1 to 4 years of age. But at least till your kids are 5 years old, you need to provide them support continuously while they use the swing. And you need to keep a guard on them to avoid any mishap. This is to ensure that your baby can control their body well before you let them do things on their own.

What Weight Should My Baby Be Before Using Swing?

A specific weight limit set as safe for kids before using a swing is when your kids are about 25 to 35 pounds, which is almost 11.5 to 15.5 kgs. This is because kids of this body weight can mostly control their head and body up to some extent, which was the condition set for allowing kids to use swings.

How Long Do Baby Use Swing?

Honestly, once your kid is of the age to handle swings properly, it does not matter how long he spends on swings. Swings are probably one of the first few pieces of playground equipment kids learn to use when they start playing in the playground. However, hey, they still have to conquer slides, seesaws, trampolines, funnel balls, balance beams, still rings, and many more. So let them go for it if they are willing to because physical activity would do your kids no harm when done right.

What Is The Maximum Age Limit For Swings In Kids?

Most adults near us love to use swings, too (do not tell us you do not have that one friend who loves to spend time in playgrounds). Why would you put a baby swing age limit if adults can use swings? Children up to 12 years old can safely use swings, but you must check the manufacturer’s weight guidelines. It all depends on how much load your swing can afford.

Should We Have Swings At Home?

One question that keeps irritating parents is if it is safe to keep swings at home or if they are just playground things. It depends on different factors, such as your preferences and the space available in your house. If your house or apartment is small, you should not get a swing because it can crowd your home, which would look bad and cause accidents.

Secondly, where is your house located? If you live close to a park or playground, there is no need for you to get a different swing when you can utilize the park’s swings. However, suppose you live far away from entertainment facilities for kids. In that case, you should consider getting a swing set to keep your kids busy. We will discuss some safety precautions for using swings later in some sections.

The Science Behind Swings And Kid’s Mood Improvement

Did you know that swings are an instant mood booster for your kids? Let us discuss some science behind swinging and how it helps improve your kid’s mood. Swinging promotes proprioceptive stimulation and vestibular stimulation. These simulations help children calm down and feel more regulated. So, swinging when your kid is overstimulated or overworked can help him/her relax.

When your kid exerts force by the full body to swing, the muscles of both sides of the body are equally stimulated, which helps improve muscular coordination and strength in your kids. Different parts of your kid’s brain are stimulated during swinging, and the sensory system of the brain learns to adapt to various sensations.

What Material Should The Swing Be Made Of?

Choose a swing set made up of high-quality and durable vinyl or plastic. Wood is also good, but termites can eat it up from within without you noticing any change outside. BPA-free plastic is also a good material for your swing set. Aluminum swings are also available, but vinyl swings are a far better option.

Many metal swings and other playsets are popular in the market, but they can easily get rusted or can get dents. Moreover, you do not want your children to come in contact with rusted materials, especially young children, as these are the source of contamination.

Safety Guidelines Set By AAP

The Academy of American Pediatrics is the United State’s biggest association of pediatrics, which is aimed at helping infants and children achieve optimal physical, mental, and social health. We all have seen how the slightest negligence with playground equipment can lead to disastrous consequences. According to AAP, 350 swing-related accidents were reported in just three years between 2009 and 2012.

These accidents also included two infant deaths, which is when AAP felt that there was a need to develop a few safety guidelines for parents when using swings. Here is what the Academy of Amer Pediatrics recommends:

  • Make sure the swing is steady and sturdy and does not tip over easily.
  • When near swings, do not let your kids use toys or mobiles as it can neglect them, leading to a code. The same goes for parents too.
  • Consider using safety straps, so your baby does not fall out of the swing, even if the speed is high.
  • Please read the manufacturer’s instructions about the use of the swing carefully, and make sure to follow them.
  • Do not use the swing forcefully if your baby does not fit in it or has outgrown it. You can also confirm this with the manufacturer’s weight limit list.
  • Consider using a recliner position for babies under four months of age.

What Do I Do If My Kid Does Not Like Swings?

It is very normal for kids to dislike swings as the continuous motion is often quite overstimulating for some kids. In this case, you can try different rocking modes, like sometimes you can speed up the swing motion, sometimes you can slow it down, and other times you can try different periodic movements to make it fun for your kids.

If possible, go for a swing with interesting elements like unique designs, fun colors, etc. Some swings also come with Bluetooth features, so turning on a piece of light music can also lift your kids’ mood. Try not to force swings or any other play on your kids. If they do not like swings, even after trying several times, you might want to find something else that interests them.

Things To Keep In Mind Regarding Swings

If you are not comfortable letting your child use a swing because you find it unsafe enough, here is what you should look for in a swing set for your kid.

  • Make sure the swing set has no sharp edges, dents, or bumps on the surface.
  • Make sure the swing is not too high for your kid, as falling from a height can lead to bodily harm.
  • Try finding a swing with some adornments, like bells, whistles, or even a tiny wind chime. These interesting things will keep your kids entertained for a long time.
  • Make sure the swing is not too big for your house because stuffing paves the way for accidents.
  • Make your kid try the swing at the store first before buying it so you can get an idea if this is what your kid will prefer. If not, it would be such a waste of money.
  • Try watching some reviews of different parents who have used the swing you have your eyes on before you go all out to buy it. The Internet is your best guide for shopping nowadays, isn’t it?.

Where Can I Find Good Quality Swings For My Kids?

Creative Recreational Systems Incorporation is your go-to option for all of your playground needs. Whether you need school playground equipment or playsets for preschoolers, you can get it all from them. From outdoor equipment to indoor playsets, CRS has got you covered. We guarantee the quality, and you can check out the variety they offer here.

Cons Of Using A Baby Swing

Like everything with benefits, there are always some pitfalls awaiting. Moreover, before you choose to let your baby use a swing, you must be aware of these demerits, so here is a breakdown of a few cons of using a swing for your baby.

  • Some kids find the sound and movements of the swing too overwhelming and overstimulating, which makes the process uncomfortable for them.
  • Sometimes, kids get so used to a swing that they do not calm down until they get a swing to play with.
  • Most parents also get so used to using swings to calm their kids down that they do not bother trying something else to soothe their baby’s fussy face.
  • Your kid can fall asleep while he uses the swing, which is a potential hazard.
  • Incorrectly assembled swings can lead to strangulation and entanglement in the shoulder straps.
  • Most swings require a lot of space which is not feasible for most middle-sized families/houses.

Final Verdict About Age For Baby Swings

So, we learned that swings are actually a lot more than just fun and games. The world has become too mechanical, and our kids are becoming prey to this attack. In such times, we need something to protect our kids from monsters like depression and anxiety. Moreover, swings serve as a superhero in this case.

Lastly, it is all your choice. Are you comfortable letting your child use a swing? Would you guard him all the time while he uses a swing, or do you think it is a bit too early to let him swing? If you are comfortable letting your child swing, well and good.

If not, no worries at all! You do not have to allow your kids to do the same because other kids or parents are doing so. What age do you think is ideal for a child to swing? Let us know!