Global Playground Initiatives: 9 Organizations for Kids

May 27, 2019

Global Playground Initiatives: 9 Organizations for Kids

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playgrounds happen to be a great source of fun and entertainment for children. This applies to most of the children. You will rarely come across a child who does not enjoy playgrounds.

It seems like playing in a playground is something that is naturally ingrained in the psyche of every child. Let a child enter a playground for the first time, and you will find him/her interacting with the props all on his/her own.

It is,however, unfortunate that many children do not get the opportunity to enjoy playgrounds. This is especially true for children in underdeveloped countries. However, there are 9 organizations that are working to change this. These include:

Play Pilipinas, The Philippines
Play Pilipinas is an organization that does not carry the traditional approach. More or less, it is a community that includes people who have sworn to protect the rights of children to play in schools, communities, and institutions.

Empower Playgrounds, Ghana
Empower Playgrounds in Ghana is an organization that carries the sole mission of enhancing educational opportunities for the children living in the deprived region of Ghana. Also, the organization protects the rights of children to play in playgrounds.

The City of Play, UK
In the United Kingdom, bigger cities such as Glasgow do not have enough playgrounds for children. This is because most of the city is focused on building places for commercial reasons. The City of Play, however, is an organization that is fighting to change that.

Pop-Up Adventure Play, UK
This organization upholds the single belief that children carry the right to play in a supportive and safe environment. This principle results in straightforward and free playgrounds suitable for children of all ages.

Think Playgrounds, Vietnam
The Think Playgrounds organization is focused on building highly engaging and interactive playgrounds in the urban areas throughout Vietnam. The playgrounds are made out of natural materials such as wood.

Eco Cabezas, Guatemala
Guatemala offers a lot of natural views. By using this advantage, this organization sets up playgrounds for children, and these are focused on encouraging them to explore their surroundings.

Gudgudee, India
The Gudgudee organization is a spacious design studio that focuses on projects that encourage original play. The prime mission of this organization is to take major steps in transforming a number of public spaces all over India. These playgrounds are focused on encouraging children to relax, talk, explore, think, and to use their creative skills.

East African Playgrounds, Uganda
The East African Playgrounds in Uganda is an organization that makes use of old tires to build playgrounds for children. These playgrounds also include traditional structures that are found in other playgrounds.

Rise Now, Global
The playground program of this organization currently has its limitations in India, Africa, and Mexico. The prime goal of this organization is to bring people together to serve the environment and the community. The playgrounds that this organization builds utilities recycled tires for the most part. Apart from that, however, the organization also includes other traditional playground structures.