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Surface Impact Attenuation Pre-Test

Author: Austin Stanfel

Playground surfaces were created to provide people with a space where they can play and have fun. So, it should be a place where accidents and injuries occur. So, how can we reduce the occurrence of such cases? It can be done by conducting a surface impact attenuation pre-test.

What is it?

It is a test that ensures that playgrounds are compliant with the requirements and standards of this industry. So, prescribed test devices are used in the process to ensure the consistency of the values, regardless of what country or place the test has been conducted. Also, the prescribed test methods are followed as well. After all, it is very important to ensure the accuracy of the measurements. After the result of the test has been obtained, it will be discovered whether the playground surface tested fails or passes a specification. From there, it’s compliance would be determined.

What is the role of standards in this process?

With the help of the standards, an impact attenuating surface owner or operator is given the chance to choose values with a lower impact in order for it to be able to provide an increased level of protection against impact. It would then be mandated in the contract documents. Typically, the g value in the surface performance value should not be more than 200, for a 200-g value already has a 10% skull fracture risk. On the other hand, the HIC value should not be more than 1000 for a 100 HIC, which already means that there is a 5% critical head injury risk, a 55% serious head injury risk, and a 16% severe head injury risk.

The importance of accurate measurements

Since we are talking about the risk of injuries here, not only on playgrounds but also on sports fields, it is indeed very important to have accurate measurements. After all, these measurements are the ones that determine the level of severity when it comes to the injury that one can get as they spend some time there playing. In addition to that, it is a known fact that replacing surfacing systems can be quite expensive, and large lawsuits can also happen, especially when someone becomes severely injured due to the playground’s lack of compliance. On the other hand, it is the job of the measuring device to ensure accurate measurements in order to pass those who actually passed the test and fail those who actually failed it. After all, passing a system that has failed the test can seriously put one’s safety at risk.

Surface maintenance

Apart from passing the test, surface maintenance is also very important in order to reduce the risk of injuries in playgrounds. In addition to that, it is also a great way of ensuring that the surface is ready for action. This includes cleaning the dirt and getting rid of the moss that can make the surface icy and slippery. Not only that, but it can also make the surface last longer.