
Playground Accessibility: What Does The Research Say?

Author: Austin Stanfel

Is there really a perfect playground surface? Based on the studies, there is no perfect playground surface; however, you would be able to find the playground surface that best fits your requirements and complies with the state’s standards. A study has been conducted in order to help those who want to find the right and appropriate ADA playgrounds for their children. The study or research helps customers purchase a long-term playground appropriate to their budgets, facilities, personnel resources, and other expectations.

Creative Recreational Systems, Inc. has been committed to providing customers with playground equipment and surfacing that welcomes families and children with different abilities to enjoy and have fun. This manufacturer became much more committed to developing commercial playground equipment, which simply goes beyond just being accessible but being a playground that would be suitable for all.

In 2010, ADA, known as the Americans with Disabilities Act, had proposed standards for playgrounds. The ADA playgrounds should comply with the standard accessible design requirement. All playgrounds should be constructed and designed so that the equipment is readily usable and accessible, especially for those with disabilities. And with that, Creative Recreational Systems, Inc. has been meeting the ADA playgrounds standards long before the standards have been released. Ever since, they have been creating playground components that address those with physical disabilities, including those with vision impairments, sensory disorders, autism, and many more.

To ensure its accessibility, the playground surfacing should comply with the ASTM F 1951 Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment. These standards are limited to playground surfacings such as poured rubber or rubber tiles and poured-in-place or engineered wood fiber, which is why it is very important that when you purchase one, you should first consult them regarding the test data. The playground should have an accessible route of travel to the play equipment.

Moreover, the ADA playgrounds are also expected to have accessible ground-level play activities that are equal to one-half of the total elevated play activities. With that, it only means that the playground would require an accessible surfacing route going to and around the activity. Every type of ground-level play activity should be made accessible enough. If, for instance, there are four swings in the playground, at least one swing should be accessible that has a safe and appropriate accessible surfacing.

So when you are looking for a playground, ensure that it is not only appropriate to your budget, site, and other preferences or expectations, it should also be a certified ADA playground. With this, you can rest assured that you will enjoy and have fun with all the activities. Although children are different from each other and have different ways of entertaining themselves, it is important that playgrounds are accessible and usable enough.

Creative Recreational Systems, Inc. will help you choose ADA playgrounds. With them, you can rest assured that all your expectations would be met and everything would comply with the given standard.