All About Brain Breaks

All About Brain Breaks

Author: Austin Stanfel

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of brain breaks in education. Brain breaks are short, engaging activities that give students a quick break from academic tasks. They are designed to give the brain a chance to rest and recharge, which can improve attention, focus, and overall academic performance. This article will explore the science behind brain breaks and discuss their benefits for students.

The Importance of Brain Breaks

As educators, we all know that students have a limited attention span. Research has shown that the average attention span for adults is around 20 minutes, but it can be even shorter for children. When students are asked to sit still and concentrate on academic tasks for long periods, they can become restless and lose focus. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance, as well as behavioral issues.

Brain breaks are designed to help students take a mental break from academic tasks. These breaks can be as simple as stretching, walking, or engaging in a quick game or activity. By allowing students to take a short break, the brain can rest and recharge, allowing them to return to academic tasks with renewed energy and focus.

The Science Behind Brain Breaks

A growing body of research supports the use of brain breaks in the classroom. Studies have shown that short breaks during academic tasks can help improve cognitive function, attention, and memory. These benefits are due in part to the way the brain processes information.

When asked to concentrate on a task, our brain goes into focused attention. This state is known as the “on” state. During this state, the brain actively processes information and uses much energy. However, when we take a break, our brain enters a state of relaxation. This state is known as the “off” state.

During this state, the brain can rest and recharge, allowing it to return to the “on” state with renewed energy and focus.

One study conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that taking a 10-minute break for every hour of academic work improved attention and cognitive function in college students. Another study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that taking a 10-minute break for every 50 minutes of academic work improved memory and recall in middle school students.

Benefits of Brain Breaks

The benefits of brain breaks are numerous. They can improve attention, focus, and cognitive function, allowing students to perform better academically. They can also help reduce stress and improve mental health.

Improved Attention and Focus

When students are asked to sit still and concentrate on academic tasks for long periods, they can become restless and lose focus. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance, as well as behavioral issues. Students can rest and recharge by taking short breaks, allowing them to return to academic tasks with renewed energy and focus.

Reduced Stress

The academic demands placed on students can be stressful, particularly for struggling students. Brain breaks can help reduce stress by giving students a mental break from academic tasks. By engaging in a fun and engaging activity, students can release tension and anxiety, allowing them to return to academic tasks with a clear and focused mind.

Improved Mental Health

The use of brain breaks in the classroom can also have a positive impact on student’s mental health. Research has shown that taking short breaks during academic tasks can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve overall mood. By providing students with a mental break from academic tasks, teachers can help promote positive mental health outcomes.

Examples of Brain Breaks

There are many different types of brain breaks that teachers can use in the classroom. Some examples include:

1. Stretching – A quick stretching session can help improve blood flow and flexibility, promote relaxation, and reduce stress. Please encourage students to stand up and stretch their arms, legs, and neck for a few minutes.

2. Breathing Exercises – Breathing exercises are a great way to promote relaxation and focus. Encourage students to take slow, deep breaths in and out for a few minutes.

3. Yoga – Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. Encourage students to try simple yoga poses such as a downward dog or tree pose for a few minutes.

4. Dance Party – Add upbeat music and encourage students to dance and move around. This can be a fun way to release energy and reduce stress.

5. Brain Teasers – Give students a quick brain teaser or puzzle to solve. This can help improve cognitive function and mental agility.

6. Creative Activities – Give students a few minutes to engage in creative activities such as drawing, writing, or coloring. This can help reduce stress and improve mental health.

7. Guided Meditation – Lead students through a short guided meditation to help promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Tips for Implementing Brain Breaks

When implementing brain breaks in the classroom, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Keep them short – Brain breaks should last 10 minutes. This ensures that students have enough time to rest and recharge but not enough time to become distracted or lose focus.

2. Be consistent – Make brain breaks a regular classroom routine. This helps students know what to expect and allows them to prepare mentally for academic tasks.

3. Make them fun – Brain breaks should be engaging and enjoyable for students. This helps promote positive mental health outcomes and can make academic tasks more enjoyable.

4. Be flexible – Different students may prefer different types of brain breaks. Be open to trying different activities and adjusting them based on student feedback.


In conclusion, the science behind brain breaks supports their use in the classroom. By allowing students to take a mental break from academic tasks, the brain can rest and recharge, improving attention, focus, and overall academic performance. Brain breaks can also help reduce stress and improve mental health outcomes. When implementing brain breaks in the classroom, keeping them short, consistent, and enjoyable for students is vital. With the right approach, brain breaks can be a powerful tool for promoting positive learning outcomes and improving student well-being.

The benefits of brain breaks go beyond just improving academic performance. Studies have shown that regular brain breaks can positively affect students’ mental health and well-being. For example, a study by the American Psychological Association found that students who participated in regular physical activity and exercise showed reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Students can reduce stress levels and improve their overall mental health by incorporating physical activity and relaxation techniques into brain breaks. The American Heart Association recommends that children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily to improve their health and well-being.

Furthermore, incorporating brain breaks into classroom routines can also improve classroom management and student behavior. By allowing students to take a break and release energy, teachers can prevent disruptive behavior in the classroom. Additionally, when students are engaged in a task for an extended period, they may become bored or fatigued, leading to inattention and decreased academic performance. By allowing students to take regular brain breaks, teachers can prevent boredom and fatigue, leading to increased engagement and academic performance.

It is important to note that brain breaks should not be used as a substitute for physical education classes or other structured physical activity. While brain breaks promote physical activity, they should be seen as complementary to more structured forms of physical education.

In addition to promoting physical activity and reducing stress, brain breaks can promote social-emotional learning (SEL) skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, and social awareness. When students engage in mindfulness practices or creative activities during brain breaks, they can improve their emotional intelligence and learn essential life skills that will benefit them beyond the classroom.

Overall, the benefits of brain breaks are clear. By allowing students to take a mental break from academic tasks and engage in physical activity or relaxation techniques, teachers can improve academic performance, reduce stress, and promote positive mental health outcomes. When incorporating brain breaks into classroom routines, keeping them short, consistent, and enjoyable for students is essential. By doing so, teachers can promote positive learning outcomes and improve overall student well-being.