How To Choose A Playground Slide

How To Choose A Playground Slide

Author: Austin Stanfel

The playground slide gives a child the first life lesson towards joy and trust.

To experience the falling and slipping down from a height even if there is no one to catch is quite joyful. So, don’t you think we must keep this trust in our children by picking up the right slide for them?

Every kid’s first attraction in the park is a slide, as it gives them the required thrill. Slides should be chosen according to the demographics and developmental safety of children. Slides play a beneficial role in developing cognition and balance in early childhood.

Types Of Slides

Let’s look at different types of slides according to their shape, size, material, and construction.

1. Straight Slides

It’s a typical and traditional slide primarily available in every other playground. It doesn’t have a wave or curve and goes straight downwards. The angle of the slide is usually designed according to the age group of children.

2.Curved Slides

Curved slides are more fun and thrilling as twists and turns are involved. These slides typically come in two shapes
i. L-shaped, This kind of slide has a turn at a 90-degrees angle.
ii. J-shaped It takes a turn at 180-degrees of an angle.

Both sides are also available in a curve and back pattern with the same standards maintained for a straight slide.

3.Spiral Slides

Spiral slides give the rider a turn at a whole different level of 360-degrees or more. It has a continuous curve until the exit. It should strictly be designed according to the age group. It shouldn’t have more than a single curve for toddlers and preschoolers as their balance and posture are not fully developed yet.

4.Metal Slides

Metal slides are the classic playground slides. They are available in every other park around us. Although it’s more durable and children slide faster on them, it can reach dangerous temperatures on hot days, and they rust easily. So, they must be chosen geographically.

5.Component Slides

A component slide is usually a composite of different activities combined with slides like swings, bridges, or overhead bars. It’s a great structure to have children experience the hurdles, which helps them in their physical, social, and cognitive growth. It also requires less space and multiple play options in one go.

Slide Combinations

Slide combinations can be made from the following options

Construction Shape Material
Stand alone Straight Plastic
Composite Curved Metal

To understand the example better, we have added borders to the table.

Benefits Of Slides

Some of the benefits of slides are as follows

  • It builds balance and coordination in children when they push themselves down the slide
  • It helps in the development of their social and cognitive skills.
  • It strengthens their muscles by climbing upstairs and sliding down again and again.
  • It promotes sensory experience, which is essential for their development.
  • It teaches children patience, sharing, taking turns, and communication skills.


Slides encourage healthy play among children, so we must choose the slides in a park according to the age group of children. Every playground must be inspected first after the installation there so our children can grow in a safe space.