How to Clean Indoor Playground Equipment

How to Clean of Indoor Playground Equipment

Author: Austin Stanfel

Indoor playgrounds are not exposed to the rain, sun, wind, and dust like outdoor playgrounds. Even at this, the play arena must be kept clean. Children use the gardens, and they are capable of causing a mess. Therefore, it is essential to know how to clean indoor playground equipment and plan for irregularities before they happen.

The indoor playground contains a lot of sensitive playground equipment, which can cause injury to people, especially kids. Thus you should pay attention to indoor playground equipment. Pieces of equipment with sharp edges, glass materials, and metals should be separated from neutral ones. This is to prevent them from causing harm to children. Some safety techniques should also be followed to ensure a playground that is safe for children.

Ensure You Conduct Frequent Inspection on Your Indoor Playground Equipment

In ensuring that the playground environment is safe for kids, inspect the playground equipment frequently. Metal elements with nuts should be checked daily. And lose nuts should be adjusted. This helps to reduce the risk of preventable injuries, which could cause hazards to health.

While inspecting the playground surface should be considered. This is to ensure that the children have soft landing space. That is, the playground should be free of anything that can cause tripping.

How to Clean Your Indoor Playground

An indoor playground is more of a recreational place for a family, especially their kids. A proper cleaning schedule should thus be adopted to ensure the playground is free of any hazards to life. All surfaces should be cleaned using soap and clean water.

The cleaning techniques include sanitizing the playground with ideal antiseptics. This helps to reduce harmful germs on surfaces and protect children from illness and disease.

The cleaning process on how to clean playground equipment should be done often. The indoor playground should be cleaned with soft, absorbent cloths to give the desired result. Towels and tissues should not be used on windows and sensitive equipment. This is to prevent scratches or blurry on the surface.
The cleaning brush must also be a soft bristle brush to avoid scratch.

Safety Tips for the Playground

Routine Checks

All-round checks should be conducted daily in the playground. The playground equipment should be inspected. Any equipment which has become faulty should be taken aside for repair. Immediate repairs prevent costly repairs, which are caused by a rise in the cost of repairs. Likewise, the pipes should be inspected to detect leaks or if the pipe covers are in place. The nets should be checked to check for any wear or tear.

To ensure that the walkway structures are complete, the play structures should be checked, especially the walkways. The game elements hanging across the playground roof should be adequately secured to prevent a bit of anyone’s not finger entrapment.
The slide connections should also be considered to ensure that they are correctly fixed.

Keep Maintenance Record

Keep a track record of your maintenance efforts. This should be written or printed to be able to refer to it as necessary. Keep a record of all maintenance and repair work you perform on the playground equipment. This helps to know the health condition of the playground equipment and what is lacking.

Make Provision for Waste Bins

Waste bins should be available in the playgrounds. Trash bins make it easy to maintain a tidy garden. The kids can throw their bits of waste in the trash bin instead of littering the floor. It helps to prevent spills and stains. A separate space should be created for snacks and drinks. The kids can refresh themselves after their indoor recreational activities.

Make Use of the User Manual

Each play equipment has the owner’s manual. It usually contains guidelines on how to clean playground equipment which the user must follow while using the playground equipment. It also includes instructions for cleaning the equipment and specifies the cleaning agent and soap to use. It is, therefore, advisable to take heed to the guidelines as provided in the user’s manual.