Seven Elements of Play

The Seven Elements of Play

Author: Austin Stanfel

Children love going to playgrounds, and it brings them many benefits. For example, they can improve their social skills and improve their physical development while playing. However, there are seven elements that every successful playground needs. Let’s look at what they are:

1. Swings
Having a swing set gives the impression that they can fly with ease. It will also strengthen their leg and core muscles. It can also improve their sense of balance and improve their ability to assess information from their senses.

2. Slides
Children love feeling the sudden rush of gravity as they go down the slide. However, it also improves their ability to problem-solve. Hip and leg flexibility may also be improved through this simple activity. In addition, it helps them develop their spatial awareness and their ability to follow directions.

3. Climbing Equipment
Children love having climbing equipment at playgrounds. It allows them to challenge themselves in a safe environment. It also helps develop muscle strength, building core muscles. Also, this would increase their endurance and improve their spatial awareness.

4. Swinging
One of the most common swinging activities is the monkey bars, where children use their strength to swing from one rung to another. This activity makes children more aware of their own movements as well as increasing their upper body strength. It might also be an effective way to increase their endurance, making it easier to get through the school day. This activity also encourages them to develop their critical thinking skills as they figure out the best way to get across the bars.

5. Spinning Activities
Spinning around is a great way to introduce children to concepts like speed and direction. It also helps them improve their cognitive development as they try to figure out which direction they are facing. As this equipment tends to be very popular, it teaches them social skills like lining up and tolerance.

6. Balance Beams
Children often enjoy pretending to be pirates, making each other walk the plank. This activity helps them improve their creativity. It also helps them build concentration and increase their endurance. It also introduces them to important concepts like gravity and motion.

7. Engaging The Senses

The playground is the perfect place for children to learn things about the world as they grow up. Having things in the playground that are of different textures, can produce a range of sounds, and have many temperatures will help them learn. It would make them more curious to explore and experiment with their surroundings. It may also be a great way to teach them that while some things look the same, they might be different.

The playground is one of the best places for children to learn and develop their skills. These are seven things that a great playground should contain to make sure that the children get as much knowledge as possible out of the experience. Now that you know what these things are and why they are vital, you can evaluate the playgrounds in your area to find the best equipment for your children.