Ideas To Improve Parks

7 Pocket-Friendly Ideas To Improve Parks

Author: Austin Stanfel

Who doesn’t love to spend time with their kids in parks? We all want to be closer to nature, and we want the same for our kids. But parks are becoming a new luxury nowadays, and not everyone can afford the luxury. So, how can we improve the parks around us to don’t go bankrupt?

Are you looking for some ideas to improve your local community parks on a budget? If you do, here are a few low-cost ideas that will help your local community parks look much better.

  • Upgrade Lighting

  • Many community parks still have outdated metal halide lights. Try to convert them to advance LED lamps. Upgrading the lights will be long-term maintenance that will help your electricity cost sustainably less than 25% of what you are currently paying.

  • Digital Advertisement

  • Try to advertise your local community park on digital platforms. We exist in a world of social media. The world is just a click away. Create pages on Facebook and Instagram of your local park; upload pictures of Parks to attract people living around your area.

  • Create Volunteer Friends Group

  • Create a small volunteer group of friends living in your community for improving your park. Ask the willing members of the community who want to participate in volunteer work. The group member should actively work to raise funds for establishing local community parks.

  • Eating Areas

  • Build small eating areas in the park. Get new wooden tables and benches for sitting where people can have a small picnic with their kids. Mothers can bring their kids to play in parks while they sit and enjoy snacks with each other.

  • Activities for Park Improvement

  • Organize fun activities in your community parks that will also prove beneficial for the improvement of parks. You can organize volunteer garbage cleaning activities in your community park. Or organize a clean and green activity where people can participate with their kids to plant trees.

  • Add Sign Boards

  • Add signboards about how to maintain cleanliness in the parks. This will educate kids as well. You can add some danger signboards as a precaution for hazards. You can also add some donor signboards for donation so that people who are willing to donate to community park service can contact you.

  • Upgrade Playground Equipment

  • No one desires to go to a park where rides for kids are broken or outdated. Improve your playground equipment; get new and fun rides such as swings and slides for kids. If kids have fun in the park, the parents will often bring them to parks. The addition of Playhouses and rope climbers can also attract kids living in communities nearby.


You can make local community parks look more aesthetically pleasing. These low-budget solutions will help you in maintaining the parks in your community. You only need to give it the best of your creative skills and all your focus.

Many people don’t visit community parks anymore as they are not clean nowadays. Educating people living in your community is the best step to maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the park.