Active Ground Activities For Kids

5 Ways To Make Your Kids Active On The Ground

Author: Austin Stanfel

Children must get out and play with their peers to live a healthy life. It is beneficial to have fitness-focused playground equipment for them to discover and enjoy.

The playground equipment is an excellent resource for children to get a good workout. They can develop exciting and challenging routines to get a good workout at the playground. Children can get exercise at schools, parks, and community centers. How can you get your children to do physical activity?

Here are five ideas for getting your kids to be more active:

1. Create Different Play Zones:

A dull playground will not encourage your children to go outside and play. As a result, it is critical to ensure that the playground caters to people of all ages by establishing distinct play zones. Each play zone should be devoted to a specific age group and equipped with age-appropriate equipment.

You may, for example, build a play area exclusively for toddlers with swings that are suited for their small size. Install various ground covers, such as rubber mats or sand, so that youngsters can enjoy themselves without being injured on hard surfaces. To keep children entertained, consider adding water features like sprinklers and fountains.

2. Toss In Some Traditional Game Markings:

Adding traditional game markers to a playground can make it more attractive for kids. Install hopscotch lines or four-square boxes, for example, so that your child can participate in the activity with his peers while having fun and making new friends!

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the classic game marks you can use to spruce up the playground:

  • 1-Checkers
  • 2-Foosball and Soccer
  • 3-Hopscotch
  • 4-Long jump
  • 5-Tic-Tac-Toe

3. Create Different play options:

Providing children with various playing alternatives is one approach to keep them interested in returning to the playgrounds. The ideal approach is to provide a variety of activities for kids to explore and enjoy, such as slides, swings, climbing equipment, sandboxes/dumping trucks/playhouses, and even tunnels or rope courses!

Any child, regardless of age, should be able to explore and learn new things at their speed.

4. Create Different Moods in the Playground:

Setting up your playground might influence how kids react and feel when they’re there. If you want children to feel more comfortable playing outside or engaging in an activity, use calming colors like blue and green.

Adding bright colors like red and yellow will make children more excited and energetic.

5. Improve And Maintain Your Playground Equipment And Surfaces:

You must keep your playground equipment in good working order so that children do not sustain injuries while playing on it. The easiest way to achieve this is to keep play areas clean, ensure that any loose or damaged parts are repaired, and maintain the play equipment.

Create a comprehensive maintenance schedule and stick to it. Playground equipment maintenance and a playground cover inspection must be part of the routine.


Sports, gaming, and park play are enjoyable activities to stay active and get some exercise. It’s critical for children that it’s healthier for them to be moving and be active most of the time.

Physically active children tend to feel better, have a healthier lifestyle, and lower the risk of falling sick. The younger a person begins to play and understand the importance of exercise, the more likely they value a physically active lifestyle.